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Liverpool Lizzy - exam success!

Becoming a Blue, Green or White Badge Tourist Guide is not a case of turning up with a few notes and blagging your way around a region, town or visitor site. The best guides in England train with accredited guide trainers and take exams - up to 8 exams for a Blue Badge Guide - and have to prove their knowledge and guiding skills as well as group safety, respecting other visitors, site staff, other guides and demonstrate respect for the places where you guide.

I am very pleased to report that I have been successful in my first two exams - Background Knowledge - think extremely hard pub quiz and the picture round involves identifying things like breeds of sheep, trees, famous paintings and architecture styles - and guiding in a religious building.

I am now qualified to guide in Liverpool Anglican Cathedral so look forward to guiding you around the largest cathedral in the UK, the largest Anglican cathedral in the world and the highest point of Liverpool city centre, all at the same time.

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