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  • elizabethcharnley6

Are we nearly there yet?

Anyone who has been to Worsley Delph in the past year or so has wondered if and when we might get 'up close' to the place that many consider the cradle of the industrial revolution. Tantalising glimpses through Heras/Harris? (wire mesh) fencing and engaging the site workers in conversation are just not enough to satisfy the soul of this Green Badge Tour Guide. At CharnleysOutdoors HQ we have been in regular and constant communication with Est 1761 (the team from Salford City Council who are organising and commissioning the works) to the point where we feel like we are small children on a very long and interminable car journey whining at the very patient adults 'Are we nearly there yet?'

But journey's end is in sight - the destination is really just around the corner based on our visit to press our camera lenses through the fencing on a lovely August bank holiday - so near and yet so far - see the photo - how do those metal "things" and gates and stone blocks fit into the story?

We will be taking public tour groups very soon to view this important historic site and learn the stories of the people as well as the place. You'll find out here when the tours are.

Don't forget we can organise private tours for your friends/family/work colleagues, as part of a corporate hospitality package or for holiday visitors to the area. We also offer tours for schools and community organisations for learning or recreation. All our Green Badge tour guides are qualified, experienced and DBS checked for your assurance.

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